
加藤教授が編集者(Editor) SpringerからBOOK出版

環境人間学部・環境人間学研究科・先端食科学研究センターの加藤陽二教授がEditorとして編集した本"Lipid Hydroperoxide-derived Modification of Biomolecules"が、SpringerからSubcellular Biochemistry の77巻として出版されました! 新しい視点から体内や食品における脂質酸化に焦点をあてた書籍です。本の内容にご関心のある方は、リンクからどうぞ。

This volume focusses on oxidative modifications of lipid molecules and the successive generation of singlet oxygen. The book also covers the secondary adductions of these reactive species with proteins and aminophospholipids. During lipid peroxidation, the initial event is the formation of lipid hydroperoxide, which is followed by an oxidation event that starts a chain-reaction. The formed lipid hydroperoxide gradually decomposes into harmful aldehydes, which are the advanced end-products of lipid peroxidation. The book consists of three sections:

Part I, entitled Lipid peroxidation and small molecule adducts focusses on the biochemical events that are involved in lipid peroxidation and to the formation of small molecules like singlet molecular oxygen. This part of the book also introduces the hexanoyl-lysine adduct. Part II, entitled Pathophysiological consequences covers a range of damaging physiological consequences of lipid peroxidation, ranging from atherosclerosis to neurodegenerative disorders. Finally, Part III, entitled Applications for diagnosis and development of functional food looks into potential diagnostic uses of lipid peroxidation, the possible beneficial effects that can be achieved and new assays in food safely that have been developed.